Valuation & Diligence Service

Valuation & Diligence Service

from £500.00

Due diligence is a thorough investigation of an investment property before purchasing it. This process allows the potential investor to ascertain the property's true commercial potential and any risks associated with the purchase.

Purchasing the valuation & diligence service allows for you to book a valuation and due diligence report on any piece of property. Whether it be land, a farm, a house or a mixed use development.

Size (SQ.M):
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How It Work’s:

We can help you with your property search by providing full due diligence, including a full physical valuation and report covering every aspect of the property or land in question. We will attend the site, assess the site, do external searches and create a report that covers everything you need to know.

Our services include:

  • Physical valuation: We will visit the property or land and assess its condition, including any structural or environmental issues.

  • Report: We will create a comprehensive report that covers all aspects of the property or land, including its value, condition, and potential risks.

  • External searches: We will conduct external searches to gather information about the property or land, such as planning permission, zoning, and environmental regulations.

Our Fee’s:

  • Up to 35 Sq.m - £500

  • Up to 70 Sq.m - £750

  • Up to 100 Sq.m - £1000

  • Up to 200 Sq.m - £1500

  • Up to 300 Sq.m - £2000

  • Up to 400 Sq.m - £3000

  • Up to 500 Sq.m - £4000

  • More than 500 Sq.m - £5000

Refund’s And Return’s:

For more information on our returns policy, click here.

Help & Guidance:

Contact us if you need to know more about our services or need any assistance.

Freehold Management - Annually

Freehold Management - Annually

Leasehold Management - Annually

Leasehold Management - Annually

from £1,200.00
Freehold Management - Monthly

Freehold Management - Monthly

Virtual Viewing & Video

Virtual Viewing & Video

Virtual Viewing, Video & Works Estimate

Virtual Viewing, Video & Works Estimate
